Dear Spring,
For about a month now I have been patiently awaiting your return. I have been very kind to your cohort winter, after all we do live in Canada. I didn't complain when winter's shenanigans caused me to be trapped in the house with 2 babies for days. I didn't get upset when your buddy winter suddenly dropped its temperature creating black ice causing my car to slip, hitting a curb and knocking my wheel bearings together. We didn't loose it with your constant teasing, plus 9 degree weather followed by a snow storm 24 hours later. (That was pretty unnecessary by the way.) Your partner in crime winter and you have won, that's right we decree you two the winners!
I have played by all the rules . . . I went out and bought clothes from the spring lines for myself, shorts for the kids and a hot pink t-shirt for my husband. . . I have put away some of my winter coats and pulled out lighter weight coats. . .the snow brush is hanging in its spot in the garage. . . we purchased new rain boots for my son. . . got out our walking stroller. . . and my son got out his sand toys!
Spring we have kept our end of the bargain, now it is your turn. We expect to see you in 2 days, no questions asked.
The Seasonly Challenged
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